My name is Sarah Meertens. I am a “Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie” (non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy), certified by the Mainz health department, having my own practice for psychotherapy (according to the Heilpraktikergesetz) & coaching. My path to working in the field of psychology started at a higher education institution where I gained first coaching experience with students. I found that this activity fulfilled me more than any other professional experience before. So, what to do? With hiking shoes and a pilgrim backpack, I decided to “hike out” my solution. Constant companion during the days of my pilgrimage was the increasingly clear desire to follow my passion professionally.
“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and to trust the magic of the beginning.” (Meister Eckhart)
Back in Germany, I therefore resigned from my job and, after the baby break, started my training as a “Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie”.
Of course you don't always need such a drastic turnaround as it was expedient for me. Already small changes can path the way to a happier life in the long term. I am excited to find out what constitutes a “happy life” for you, and I look forward to being by your side on your very personal journey there.

since 2023
Lecturer at the Paracelsus Heilpraktikerschule in Koblenz. Classes for prospective "Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie" and "psychologische Berater"
2020 - 2022
Educational program to become „Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie“ at the Paracelsus Heilpraktiker school in Koblenz. Obtaining the “Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie” (non-medical practitioner) license restricted to the field of psychotherapy from the Mainz health department
Supplemental educational program in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (de Shazer)
Supplemental educational program in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
2018 - 2019
Academic assistant and doctoral student at the Baden-Wurttemberg Cooperative State University in Karlsruhe
2016 - 2018
Junior digital marketing manager in an online marketing agency
2014 - 2016
Master of Arts in International Cultural and Business Studies at the University of Passau
2010 - 2014
Bachelor of Arts in European Studies at the University of Passau
Language skills
German - native language
English - C2
Spanish - C1
Dutch - C1
I am a member of the Association of Independent Psychotherapists, Alternative Practitioners for Psychotherapy and Psychological Counselors e.V.